StarHammer's 8th Anniversary! - Happy Anniversary!
Posted October 12, 2023 at 12:00 pm

Today is StarHammer's 8th Anniversary. I love the number 8 way more than 10 so this anniversary is even more important to me than the upcoming 10th anniversary. 8's just a great number. It even rhymes with great. 

For all those of you who've joined us in the past eight years, thank you for reading the comic. We hope you stick around and keep reading. But if you're moving on, we're happy to have had you along for the journey even if you might not reach the destination. 

Here you can see Evey and Izzy meeting their past selves. It's actually been 8 years in narrative time since Evey first got the Mallet. This wasn't planned, it's just another one of those happy accidents. Like a lot of things associated with StarHammer. 

Hopefully these kinds of things will keep happening as we get closer to the end of the comic. They're kinda nice. 

Anyway, there will be a regular page tomorrow. Don't worry this wasn't going to be the only update this week. 
